[Pkg-owncloud-maintainers] Bug#760836: owncloud: should not recommend libreoffice

David Prévot taffit at debian.org
Sat Sep 13 01:48:16 UTC 2014


On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 11:00:08AM +0100, Jonathan Wiltshire wrote:
> On 08/09/14 17:10, David Prévot wrote:

> > If we are to consider demoting this recommended tool to a suggestion,
> > why shouldn’t we do the same of the other tools used for thumbnails, as
> > documented in the README (and the upstream admin documentation pulled in
> > via owncloud-doc)?
> I think there's a balance to be struck here between easy and lightweight
> things and heavy things; for example, thumbnails for "PDF, svg, text,
> images, movies, mp3 and various [but not all] office files" rely only on
> imagemagick and avconv/ffmpeg, which are a small cost.

Given the historical status of avconv/ffmpeg about security issues,
maybe a “small cost” is overrated. Furthermore, “various [but not all]
office files” preview generation used to be provided by some fall-back
code that has been dropped for a while, so that part of the upstream
documentation is actually outdated.

I just went with demoting all preview generation to Suggests, and
expanded the README about additional packages.



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