[Pkg-owncloud-maintainers] Bug#788489: Bug#788489: owncloud-client: Owncloud won't install can't find libocsync0

Alexander Wirt formorer at debian.org
Fri Jun 12 03:25:43 UTC 2015

On Thu, 11 Jun 2015, "David Prévot" wrote:

> Hi Guillaume,
> Thank you for your quick reply.
> >>> Package: owncloud-client
> >>> Version: current version
> > Version: 1.5.0+dfsg-4~bpo70+1
> >
> > That is the backport version.
> >From http://backports.debian.org/FAQ/:
> “Q: Where shall I report bugs I found in packages from backports to?
> A: Please report them to the debian-backports mailinglist. The Debian
> bugtracking system doesn't know anything about backports versions, and
> sometimes the backporter isn't in the Debian packaging team so they might
> miss the report.”
> No idea who uploaded the package to backports, maybe Sandro knows or was
> involved, so keeping the bug open for now if the people in charge are
> willing to follow up there, and also keeping the following context for
> backports list benefit.
Owncloud is no longer part of backports.


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