[Pkg-pascal-devel] Clarification about removing make files

Abou Al Montacir abou.almontacir at sfr.fr
Wed Apr 2 18:14:22 UTC 2014

Hi All,

Just for the record, the reason why we are removing make files during
the clean target is that in the past, many times we need to patch the
build system. This implies patching Makefile.fpc and regenerating it.
But then the sources get modified outside a Debian patch and this
generates an error. We decided then to patch both files, but this made
patches quite bulky due to overhead caused by diffs in auto-generated

Removing make files during the clean target did transform the error on
warning. This of course is now hitting default configuration of gpb.

The way I found was to repackage. But this seems to be inacceptable. I'd
really like to ask this on debian-devel to see what most DD think about
it, maybe we can update the DD manual, who nows?

Abou Al Montacir
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