[Pkg-pascal-devel] Bug#784569: fpc: fpc on arm64

Edmund Grimley Evans edmund.grimley.evans at gmail.com
Tue Sep 22 22:17:59 UTC 2015

Here are some patches for making fpc-3.0.0 build on arm64.

With /tmp/bin/fpcmake and /tmp/bin/ppca64 obtained from building the
upstream source, I built the Debian package like this:

git clone https://anonscm.debian.org/git/pkg-pascal/fpc.git
cd fpc/
git checkout experimental
# 2b1d325cbaf5b9f160ad55b6715224db9ce65a5a

# Apply the four patches below. Then:

cat > ~/.quiltrc <<'EOF'

quilt push -a

FPCMAKE=/tmp/bin/fpcmake PP=/tmp/bin/ppca64 dpkg-buildpackage -B -d

# The patches are:

fpc-arm64-part1.patch : This is supposed to make fpcsrc the same as
upstream fixes_3_0_ios r31309, except without the version being
updated, and also with no changes to the makefiles as they are
regenerated anyway. I created this patch in a rather stupid way. I
probably should have used this:
It would be good if someone else could verify that this patch really
does what it's supposed to.

fpc-arm64-part2.patch : A bug fix that I will probably send upstream
once I have been able to run the regression tests.

fpc-arm64-part3.patch : Additions to debian/rules. I'm not sure that
DH_INSTALL_EXCLUDE_OPTS has to be different for arm64 from what it is
for arm. I just grepped the build log for "Skipped". "-Xnixutil" might
be a typo.

fpc-arm64-part4.patch : Add the man page, which is just perl -pe
's/ppcarm/ppca64/g;' ppcarm.1.

Did I forget anything? Probably...
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