[Pkg-pascal-devel] Bug#813718: mricron: FTBFS: dialogsx.pas(77, 14) Error: (4054) Illegal type conversion: "TMsgDlgButtons" to "TMsgDlgButtons"

Paul Gevers elbrus at debian.org
Fri Feb 5 03:38:28 UTC 2016

control: affects -1 mricron
control: retitle -1 removal of gtk1 causes mricron to FTBFS with 3.0.0

Hi Gianfranco,

On Thu, 4 Feb 2016 18:40:56 +0100 Gianfranco Costamagna
<locutusofborg at debian.org> wrote:
> Hi, this bug seems to be caused by the recent fpc upgrade,


> I can't have a build failure with the package in testing (built with
> fpc 2.6.4) reassigning.

This analysis is at least misleading.

In 2.6.4+dfsg-7 I removed¹ the gtk1 related units from fpc as the
underlaying library was removed in Debian more than five years ago. With
2.6.4, the build doesn't fail on the missing code, which is weird of
course. Apparently fpc got stricter in its checks, which is good I
think. I am not sure if the current issue points out that mricron is
trying to do something that is not working in Debian for the last five
years, or if there are pieces of the gtk1 part of fpc that still have
its usefulness, even without the gtk1 library. Any help to investigate
that is welcome.

At least I expect mricron in testing to be broken, in so far that if you
would rebuild it NOW in testing, it can't be working as it should. If it
can, you apparently can just remove this piece of code from mricron and
build without it.


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