[Pkg-pascal-devel] upstreaming Debian patches

Paul Gevers elbrus at debian.org
Thu Feb 25 19:33:29 UTC 2016

Hi Abou,

On 25-02-16 00:46, Abou Al Montacir wrote:
> Now for my particular interest , I'm still interested in Pascal as my
> first programming language, however du to more responsibilities in my
> new job I really lack time to contribute. However from time to time, and
> for special cases like this, I force my self to take a few hours to
> help. Please don't hesitate to push me if you really think you can not
> do it yourself easily. 
> For now this list is the only one I read regularly, but sometimes with
> few days of lag, so you may expect late answers but still you will got them.

Thanks a lot for the detailed information. I find it very valuable. And
indeed, my knowledge of Pascal is very limited so for proper debugging I
will need your help from time to time if we want to support the Pascal
stack in Debian.


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