[Pkg-pascal-devel] Bug#823706: lazarus opengl

Paul Gevers elbrus at debian.org
Mon Nov 7 20:33:07 UTC 2016


On 07-11-16 18:23, Abou Al Montacir wrote:
>> The need for user to compile stuff inside Lazarus sources normally
>> occurs only for packages (which may be needed by user's applications
>> or other packages), not for applications (*.lpi).
> When using IDE, the packages get compiled into ${HOME}/.lazarus. 
> If you want to package them then just compile them after compiling the
> IDE. Please see my previous mail.

The point is that I want to automatically test that what we ship is
compilable by the user (to check e.g. that we didn't miss shipping
stuff). Obviously, that (automatic testing) can't be done using the IDE,
and I understood from Michalis that lazbuild was the right tool. Seems
like he wasn't aware that it wasn't.

So, it looks like I can check most (but not all) *.lpk packages with
lazbuild. As the IDE seems to be doing stuff differently, I can't test
that properly.

Interesting note: the lazarus source ships multiple *.lpk files that
can't be build using only the lazarus source as the dependencies are NOT
in the tar ball. What do you think, should we not ship these *.lpk files
as they are useless without the proper source? E.g. lazarus doesn't have
the source for something called bgrabitmappack:

paul at testavoira ~ $ HOME=/tmp lazbuild -B
ERROR: Broken dependency: TAChartBgra 1.0->bgrabitmappack

paul at testavoira ~/lazarus $ rgrep -i bgrabitmappack *
components/tachart/tachartbgra.lpk:        <PackageName
components/tachart/demo/bgra/bgrademo.lpi:        <PackageName
components/tachart/demo/bgra/bgrademo.lpr:  bgrabitmappack, tachartbgra,


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