[Pkg-pascal-devel] Castle Game Engine 6.0 release in Debian

Michalis Kamburelis michalis.kambi at gmail.com
Wed Mar 22 00:11:07 UTC 2017

2017-03-21 20:00 GMT+01:00 Paul Gevers <elbrus at debian.org>:
> Seems like I am (automatically; new watch file) downloading a
> differently generated tar ball, no? I have seen before that github
> creates two different tar balls depending on how you reach a release.

Ah, so you're downloading the release from GitHub. This is just a
packaged code from a particular GIT tag.

I don't link to these releases, instead my webpages suggest to
download the CGE from SourcForge, on
. The filenames and md5sums that I mentioned were for the SourceForge

In any case, the archives from GitHub are perfectly good too -- they
just don't contain a ready documentation generated by PasDoc. But for
the Debian package, you're generating it yourself, so it does not
matter. So, everything is OK, just ignore my md5sums, they don't apply
to your files:)

(BTW, when generating PasDoc documentation for CGE, using the latest
stable PasDoc, you will need to temporarily remove some PasDoc options
from doc/pasdoc/mk_docs.sh: --html-head , --html-body-begin,
--html-body-end . They were not implemented in the stable PasDoc.
Eventually, I will release new PasDoc to include them...)


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