[Pkg-pascal-devel] Bug#897793: libqtpas: ftbfs with GCC-8

Matthias Klumpp matthias at tenstral.net
Sat Jul 21 15:08:45 BST 2018

2018-07-21 13:32 GMT+02:00 Paul Gevers <elbrus at debian.org>:
> Hi Peter,
> On 21-07-18 13:16, peter green wrote:
>>> + _Z27qRegisterNormalizedMetaTypeIP7QActionEiRK10QByteArrayPT_N9QtPrivate21MetaTypeDefinedHelperIS5_Xaasr12QMetaTypeId2IS5_E7DefinedntsrSA_9IsBuiltInEE11DefinedTypeE at Base 2.6~beta-4
>>>   (optional=templinst)_Z30copyPtrIntArrayToQListTemplateIP13QGraphicsItemEvPvR5QListIT_E at Base 2.6~alpha
>>>   (optional=templinst)_Z30copyPtrIntArrayToQListTemplateIP13QStandardItemEvPvR5QListIT_E at Base 2.6~alpha
>>>   (optional=templinst)_Z30copyPtrIntArrayToQListTemplateIP15QTreeWidgetItemEvPvR5QListIT_E at Base 2.6~alpha
>>> @@ -8820,10 +8821,10 @@
>>>   (optional=templinst)_ZN5QListIiED1Ev at Base 2.6~alpha
>>>   (optional=templinst)_ZN5QListIiED2Ev at Base 2.6~alpha
>>>   _ZN7QVectorI6QPointE11reallocDataEii6QFlagsIN10QArrayData16AllocationOptionEE at Base 2.6~alpha
>>> - _ZN7QVectorI6QPointEC1Ei at Base 2.6~alpha
>>> - _ZN7QVectorI6QPointEC2Ei at Base 2.6~alpha
>>> - _ZN7QVectorI7QPointFEC1Ei at Base 2.6~alpha
>>> - _ZN7QVectorI7QPointFEC2Ei at Base 2.6~alpha
>>> +#MISSING: 2.6~beta-4# _ZN7QVectorI6QPointEC1Ei at Base 2.6~alpha
>>> +#MISSING: 2.6~beta-4# _ZN7QVectorI6QPointEC2Ei at Base 2.6~alpha
>>> +#MISSING: 2.6~beta-4# _ZN7QVectorI7QPointFEC1Ei at Base 2.6~alpha
>>> +#MISSING: 2.6~beta-4# _ZN7QVectorI7QPointFEC2Ei at Base 2.6~alpha
>> These symbols seem to be template instantiations, so I believe we should
>> simply mark them as (optional=templinst). Anyone disagree?
> I have no idea what that means. So I'll not disagree :).
>> If noone disagrees I will go ahead and upload the change as a team upload.
> Sounds good. Do you have any idea how to find template instantiations? I
> guess there are loads more that would be good to mark as such. May save
> lots of arch dependent stuff as well.

You might want to consider using pkgkde-symbolshelper from
pkg-kde-tools for this.
The absolutely easiest way to handle these huge symbols files is to
tighten the GCC dependency, make a dummy upload, have it fail on some
architectures, and then use pkgkde-symbolshelper to automatically
download the build logs and patch the symbols file.


I welcome VSRE emails. See http://vsre.info/

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