[Pkg-pascal-devel] Bug#947763: "aCount" is not a spelling error of "account"

peter green plugwash at p10link.net
Mon Mar 30 18:05:40 BST 2020

On 30/03/2020 14:01, Felix Lechner wrote:
>> I suggest excluding CamelCased words from the spelling check.
> I have not seen a lot of GUI items in camel case (which would cause
> more legitimate strings like it to appear in binaries) and do not
> perceive 'aCount' as a false positive.

In delphi-style object pascal it is fairly common practice to use an "a" prefix to distinguish argument names from field names.

Due to the way the form design/loading system works, type information for many types is included in the binaries. In particular this includes the definition of event handler types. Specifically the "aCount" string seems to come from the defintions of "TStringListLineCountEvent" and "TStringListLineEditEvent". In context it's pretty clearly "a Count" not "account".

> I: cqrlog: spelling-error-in-binary usr/bin/cqrlog Childs Children
This seems to come from TLazconfigStorage, I think the use of the term "Childs" is sufficiently baked into the API and data format that it's not reasonable to change it.
> I: cqrlog: spelling-error-in-binary usr/bin/cqrlog Disconected Disconnected
This one seems to be in cqrlog and looks to me like a bug that should be fixed.
> I: cqrlog: spelling-error-in-binary usr/bin/cqrlog Memebers Members
This seems to be seen multiple times in the cqrlog source, I suspect it's an error, but I supposed it could be supposed to mean sometime.
> I: cqrlog: spelling-error-in-binary usr/bin/cqrlog aCount account
Already discussed above.
> I: cqrlog: spelling-error-in-binary usr/bin/cqrlog availlable available
This one seems to be a typo in fpc fpcsrc/packages/fcl-image/src/fppixlcanv.pp
> I: cqrlog: spelling-error-in-binary usr/bin/cqrlog databse database
This is in cqrlog, again looks like a typo to me.
> I: cqrlog: spelling-error-in-binary usr/bin/cqrlog lenght length
Seen multiple times in the cqrlog source. I still think it's an actual misspeling that should be fixed though.
> I: cqrlog: spelling-error-in-binary usr/bin/cqrlog occured occurred
Seen multiple times in the cqrlog source. I still think it's an actual misspeling that should be fixed though.
> I: cqrlog: spelling-error-in-binary usr/bin/cqrlog uploded uploaded

Looks like another typo in cqrlog to me.

In summary most of these are legitimate spelling errors that should probably be fixed in the next uploads of the relevant packages, but "aCount" and "Childs" are not going to go away. Not sure if overrides are the way to go or if this should somehow be fixed in lintian.

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