[Pkg-pascal-devel] Bug#964611: Bug#964611: Bug#964611: libqtpas: FTBFS: dpkg-gensymbols: error: some symbols or patterns disappeared in the symbols file: see diff output below

Abou Al Montacir abou.almontacir at sfr.fr
Fri Aug 7 14:16:53 BST 2020

Hi Peter,

On Fri, 2020-08-07 at 11:08 +0100, peter green wrote:
> > > +#MISSING: 2.6+2.0.8+dfsg-1# 
> > > _ZN7QVectorI6QPointE11reallocDataEii6QFlagsIN10QArrayData16AllocationOptionEE at Base
> > > 2.6~alpha
> c++filt -n decodes this to
> QVector<QPoint>::reallocData(int, int, QFlags<QArrayData::AllocationOption>)
> This looks like an instantiation of a QT template that may or may not be
> included in the library as a seperatesymbol depending on whether it gets in-
> lined or not. So I believe it should be marked as (optional=templinst)
>  >> +#MISSING: 2.6+2.0.8+dfsg-1# (optional=templinst)
> _Z27qRegisterNormalizedMetaTypeIP7QActionEiRK10QByteArrayPT_N9QtPrivate21MetaTypeDefinedHelperIS5_Xaasr12QMetaTypeId2IS5_E7DefinedntsrSA_9IsBuiltInEE11DefinedTypeE at Base
> 2.6~beta-4
> > > +#MISSING: 2.6+2.0.8+dfsg-1# (optional=templinst)
> > > _ZN7QVectorI6QPointEC1Ei at Base 2.6~alpha+#MISSING: 2.6+2.0.8+dfsg-1#
> > > (optional=templinst)_ZN7QVectorI6QPointEC2Ei at Base 2.6~alpha+#MISSING:
> > > 2.6+2.0.8+dfsg-1# (optional=templinst)_ZN7QVectorI7QPointFEC1Ei at Base
> > > 2.6~alpha+#MISSING: 2.6+2.0.8+dfsg-1# (optional=templinst)_ZN7QVectorI7QP
> > > ointFEC2Ei at Base 2.6~alpha
> These are marked as optional already, so although they show up in the log they
> won't actually cause a failure.
> > > +#MISSING: 2.6+2.0.8+dfsg-1# 
> > > _ZN7QVectorIdE11reallocDataEii6QFlagsIN10QArrayData16AllocationOptionEE at Base
> > > 2.6~alpha
> c++filt -n decodes this to
> QVector<double>::reallocData(int, int, QFlags<QArrayData::AllocationOption>)
> Again this looks like an instantiation of a QT template that may or may not be
> included in the library as a seperatesymbol depending on whether it gets in-
> lined or not. So again I believe it should be marked as (optional=templinst)
> If noone objects i'll prepare a team upload marking the offending symbols as
> (optional=templinst) in the next few days.

I'm going to upload both FPC 3.2.0 and Lazarus 2.0.10. So maybe you can wait
until I upload them before fixing this?
Abou Al Montacir
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