[Pkg-pascal-devel] Castle Game Engine build failure on sparc64.

David Bannon dbannon at internode.on.net
Sun Nov 14 11:07:59 GMT 2021

No, sorry, my system, Ubuntu 20.04 and qemu 4.2 does not like your vm
image I am afraid. After a long wait (at 100% cpu) I see a login prompt
but while the window grabs keyboard, the key strokes do not seem to be
getting through. And still at 100% of a cpu.  So, eventually, I killed
it. (I don't have that password anyway !).
So I thought I could build my own, I can see your recipe in your
script. But cannot find that debian-11.0.0-sparc64-NETINST-1.iso you
used. The wiki points to a Debian 10 one and other parts indicates its
"floating around somewhere" on the sparc mailing list, but not so I can
find it ! Sparc does not seem to be high on Debian's priority list
these days ?
If you can give me a pointer to that iso, I will have another try.....
So, thought I might try the same exercise on ppc64el - FPC322,  builds
pasdoc fine there, builds Lazarus but, interestingly, not lhelp.  So,
maybe thats something I need look into. But will have to be tomorrow,
getting late here.

On Sat, 2021-11-13 at 15:25 +0100, Abou Al Montacir wrote:
> Hi David,
> On Sat, 2021-11-13 at 22:14 +1100, David Bannon wrote:
> > On Sat, 2021-11-13 at 11:38 +0100, Abou Al Montacir wrote:
> > > I'll see how to share this, but this is a 650MB of .qcow2.xz that
> > > expands to 2.6GB before any apt build-dep
> > 
> > If I can keep below 15G I'll be fine.
> That should be more than enough 
> > So, sure, if you can find somewhere to put it, I can pull it down.
> > I'd then just need the qemu command line you used to start it. 
> Yes I managed to find a sponsor  
> Please check http://debian.sfaxware.com/debian/sparc64.html
> You will need a login and a password (to avoid DDOS on my sponsor's
> machine). I'll send it privately.
> > If I can clarify how that works with FPC320 v FPC322, it might take
> > a bit of load of you. I have never used SPARC but an old Unix
> > (Ultrix, True64) user from way back.  I 'might' be useful !
> That's great!
> -- 
> Cheers,Abou Al Montacir
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