[Pkg-pascal-devel] Lazbuild failing on Salsa

Peter Blackman peter at pblackman.plus.com
Sat Jan 6 17:56:19 GMT 2024

Lazbuild is failing on Salsa. I'm getting the same result on several 
The packages themselves have not changed recently.
End of log is

make[1]: Entering directory 
lazbuild source/ddrescueview.lpi --bm="GNU/Linux Release" 
--no-write-project --ws=qt5
CopySecondaryConfigFile /etc/lazarus/environmentoptions.xml -> 
Note: (lazarus) Invalid Package Link: file 
"/usr/lib/lazarus/3.0/ide/packages/ideconfig/ideconfig.lpk" does not exist.

Error: (lazbuild) Package file not found
The package "IdeConfig" is installed but no valid package file (.lpk) 
was found.
A broken dummy package was created.
lazbuild is non interactive, aborting now.
make[1]: *** [debian/rules:10: override_dh_auto_build] Error 2

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	ddrescueview | Failed pipeline for master | 315f3bae
Date: 	Sat, 06 Jan 2024 17:47:15 +0000
From: 	Debian GitLab <gitlab at salsa.debian.org>
Reply-To: 	Debian GitLab <noreply at salsa.debian.org>
To: 	peter at pblackman.plus.com

Pipeline #622377 has failed!

Project: ddrescueview ( https://salsa.debian.org/pascal-team/ddrescueview )
Branch: master ( 
https://salsa.debian.org/pascal-team/ddrescueview/-/commits/master )

Commit: 315f3bae ( 
Commit Message: Debian version 0.4.5-2

Commit Author: Peter Blackman ( https://salsa.debian.org/PeterB )

Pipeline #622377 ( 
https://salsa.debian.org/pascal-team/ddrescueview/-/pipelines/622377 ) 
triggered by Peter Blackman ( https://salsa.debian.org/PeterB )
had 2 failed jobs.

Job #5124564 ( 
https://salsa.debian.org/pascal-team/ddrescueview/-/jobs/5124564/raw )

Stage: build
Name: build i386
Job #5124563 ( 
https://salsa.debian.org/pascal-team/ddrescueview/-/jobs/5124563/raw )

Stage: build
Name: build

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