[ pkg-perl-Modules To Package-300778 ] libalgorithm-dependency-perl - Portable, reusable dependency algorithm

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Thu, 17 Jun 2004 09:49:54 -0600

Modules To Package item #300778, was opened at 2004-06-02 04:36
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Category: None
Group: None
Status: Open
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Adam Kennedy (adamk-guest)
>Assigned to: Allard Hoeve (hoeve-guest)
Summary: libalgorithm-dependency-perl  -  Portable, reusable dependency algorithm

Initial Comment:
Provides a mechanism to setup dependency trees, and execute queries on them.

Used inside various bits and pieces, but not hugely common. Low priority.

Pure Perl, multiple files, no install questions, no non-standard makefile options


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