Bug#127558: Debian Bugs information: logs for Bug#127558
Zac Sprackett
Zac Sprackett <zac@sprackett.com>, 127558@bugs.debian.org
Sun, 19 Sep 2004 00:41:50 -0400
clone 127558 -1
retitle -1 libmail-audit-perl: Mail::Audit::accept uses /var/spool/mail/
Sorry for the delay in processing this bug. I've recently joined the
pkg-perl group and am just going through old bug reports now.
I've split this into two seperate bugs.
libmail-audit-perl: Mail::Audit::accept uses /var/spool/mail/
libmail-audit-perl: Mail::Audit::accept does not comply with locking
> Mail::Audit::resend sends mail via SMTP to some guessed hostnames.
> It would probably be more useful if it used /usr/sbin/sendmail to
> send mail.
This final piece is not a bug in Mail::Audit...
Mail::Audit::resend calls Mail::Internet::smtpsend. If there is a bug
here, it is in Mail::Internet.
zac sprackett zac at sprackett dot com
ottawa, canada http://zac.sprackett.com
gpg fingerprint: cc8a db41 4b47 abd0 c6ce befc 5fcc fdf4 4de6 f9ce