Bug#317518: New version of libsql-statement-perl is very, very much slower

Niko Tyni ntyni at iki.fi
Sun Dec 18 19:06:59 UTC 2005

forwarded 317518 http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/Bug.html?id=16579

(Please note the Reply-To header. Thank you.)

On Sun, Dec 18, 2005 at 09:20:52PM +1300, Paul Beardsell wrote:
> Box 1: Woody with version 0.1020-2:  173.10s real   124.18s user    
> 0.55s system
> Box 2: Sarge with version 1.11:  852.88s real   849.86s user     1.55s system
> Box 2: Sarge with version 1.14-1: 896.71s real   893.45s user     1.55s system


I profiled some SELECT queries, and found a couple of obvious
optimizations (patch attached). They seem to help a bit, and hopefully
balance out the speed loss between 1.11 and 1.14. I have forwarded the
patch and your concerns to the upstream author. See

> Thanks for looking at this and for all your work generally BUT I am
> facing a forced move to SQLite - which I do not want to do!  My
> preference is to stay with CSV text databases and
> libsql-statement-perl.  

I'm afraid DBD::SQLite, which (unlike DBD::CSV) claims to aim for
speed, still looks like the best option if speed is an issue.

> Can we not have a libsql-statement-perl-fast
> package (which is just the old Woody version) in Sarge?

Since that version is no longer supported by the upstream author, I
don't think this would be a good solution in the long term. Of course,
you are free to submit a "Request For Packaging" (RFP) in the Debian
Bug Tracking System and see if somebody will pick it up. See
http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/ for details.

(If somebody else in the Debian Perl team thinks otherwise and wants to
reintroduce the old C-based version into Debian, I'm sure he will speak up.)

Niko Tyni	ntyni at iki.fi
-------------- next part --------------
--- /usr/share/perl5/SQL/Statement.pm	2005-05-04 16:27:04.000000000 +0300
+++ lib/SQL/Statement.pm	2005-12-18 20:56:04.653750035 +0200
@@ -1208,13 +1208,14 @@
     my $tname  = shift;
     my $rowary = shift;
     my $funcs  = shift || ();
-    $tname ||= $self->tables(0)->name();
     my $cols;
     my $col_nums;
-	$col_nums = $self->{join} ? $eval->{col_nums}
-                                  : $eval->{tables}->{$tname}->{col_nums} ;
-    %$cols   = reverse %{ $col_nums };
+	if ($self->{join}) {
+		$col_nums = $eval->{col_nums};
+	} else {
+		$tname ||= $self->tables(0)->name();
+		$col_nums = $eval->{tables}->{$tname}->{col_nums};
+	}
     # Dan Wright
@@ -1244,7 +1245,9 @@
-sub process_predicate {
+ my %is_value;
+ sub process_predicate {
     my($self,$pred,$eval,$rowhash) = @_;
     if ($pred->{op}eq'USER_DEFINED' and !$pred->{arg2}) {
         my $match = $self->get_row_value( $pred->{"arg1"}, $eval, $rowhash );
@@ -1299,7 +1302,7 @@
         # define types that we only need to call get_row_value on once
         # per execute
-        my %is_value = map {$_=>1} qw(placeholder string number null);
+        %is_value = map {$_=>1} qw(placeholder string number null) unless keys %is_value;
         # use a reuse value if defined, get_row_value() otherwise
@@ -1320,12 +1323,15 @@
         # the first time we call get_row_value, we set the reuse value
         # for the argument object with its scalar value
-        my $type1 = $pred->{arg1}->{type} if ref($pred->{arg1}) eq 'HASH';
-        my $type2 = $pred->{arg2}->{type} if ref($pred->{arg2}) eq 'HASH';
-	$pred->{arg1}->{reuse} = $val1
-                              if $type1 and $is_value{$type1} and $new_execute;
-	$pred->{arg2}->{reuse} = $val2
-                              if $type2 and $is_value{$type2} and $new_execute;
+	if ($new_execute) {
+        	my $type1 = $pred->{arg1}->{type} if ref($pred->{arg1}) eq 'HASH';
+        	my $type2 = $pred->{arg2}->{type} if ref($pred->{arg2}) eq 'HASH';
+		$pred->{arg1}->{reuse} = $val1
+                              if $type1 and $is_value{$type1};
+		$pred->{arg2}->{reuse} = $val2
+                              if $type2 and $is_value{$type2};
+	}
         my $op     = $pred->{op};
         my $opfunc = $op;
@@ -1347,7 +1353,6 @@
         my $neg = $pred->{"neg"};
         my $table_type = ref($eval);
         if ($table_type !~ /TempTable/) {
-#        if (ref $eval !~ /TempTable/) {
             my($table) = $eval->table($self->tables(0)->name());
             if ($pred->{op} eq '=' and !$neg and $table->can('fetch_one_row')){
                 my $key_col = $table->fetch_one_row(1,1);
@@ -1358,7 +1363,6 @@
-#       my $match = $self->is_matched($val1,$op,$val2) || 0;
        my $match;
         if ($op) {
             $match = $self->is_matched($val1,$op,$val2) || 0;
@@ -1377,6 +1381,7 @@
         return $match;
+ }
 sub is_matched {

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