Bug#277501: marked as done (libjavascript-perl: Getting error message when declearing "use JavaScript;")
Debian Bug Tracking System
Wed, 05 Jan 2005 02:33:34 -0800
Your message dated Wed, 5 Jan 2005 02:20:14 -0800
with message-id <20050105102011.GB7439@mauritius.dodds.net>
and subject line libjavascript-perl: Getting error message when declearing "use JavaScript;"
has caused the attached Bug report to be marked as done.
This means that you claim that the problem has been dealt with.
If this is not the case it is now your responsibility to reopen the
Bug report if necessary, and/or fix the problem forthwith.
(NB: If you are a system administrator and have no idea what I am
talking about this indicates a serious mail system misconfiguration
somewhere. Please contact me immediately.)
Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)
Received: (at submit) by bugs.debian.org; 20 Oct 2004 13:47:47 +0000
>From kanerido@actcom.net.il Wed Oct 20 06:47:47 2004
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From: Ido Kanner <kanerido@actcom.net.il>
To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
Subject: libjavascript-perl: Getting error message when declearing "use JavaScript;"
X-Mailer: reportbug 2.99.6
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 2004 15:44:28 +0200
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X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 2.60-bugs.debian.org_2004_03_25
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X-Spam-Status: No, hits=-8.0 required=4.0 tests=BAYES_00,HAS_PACKAGE
autolearn=no version=2.60-bugs.debian.org_2004_03_25
Package: libjavascript-perl
Version: 0.52-1
Severity: grave
Justification: renders package unusable
-- System Information:
Debian Release: 3.1
APT prefers unstable
APT policy: (500, 'unstable'), (500, 'testing'), (1, 'experimental')
Architecture: i386 (i686)
Kernel: Linux 2.6.8-1-686
Locale: LANG=he_IL.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=he_IL.UTF-8 (ignored: LC_ALL set to C)
Versions of packages libjavascript-perl depends on:
ii libc6 2.3.2.ds1-18 GNU C Library: Shared libraries an
ii libjs0 0.2.5-7 The NGS JavaScript interpreter - s
ii perl 5.8.4-2.3 Larry Wall's Practical Extraction
ii perl-base [perlapi-5.8.3] 5.8.4-2.3 The Pathologically Eclectic Rubbis
-- no debconf information
When adding the
use JavaScript;
line, the code breaks with the message:
Can't load '/usr/lib/perl5/auto/JavaScript/JavaScript.so' for module
JavaScript: /usr/lib/perl5/auto/JavaScript/JavaScript.so: undefined
symbol: JS_PropertyStub at /usr/lib/perl/5.8/DynaLoader.pm line 225.
at ./js1.pl line 3
Compilation failed in require at ./js1.pl line 3.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./js1.pl line 3.
The file js1.pl is:
use JavaScript;
print "test1\n";
I'm unable to find a report for this problem anywhere, and no
documentation bout this problem as well.
Received: (at 277501-done) by bugs.debian.org; 5 Jan 2005 10:20:16 +0000
>From vorlon@debian.org Wed Jan 05 02:20:15 2005
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Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2005 02:20:14 -0800
From: Steve Langasek <vorlon@debian.org>
To: 277501-done@bugs.debian.org
Subject: Re: libjavascript-perl: Getting error message when declearing "use JavaScript;"
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X-Spam-Status: No, hits=-5.0 required=4.0 tests=BAYES_00,VALID_BTS_CONTROL
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tags 277501 -sarge
The version of libjavascript-perl which appears to close this bug will reach
testing today, so I think this bug can be safely closed.
Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer
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