Bug#309721: patch

Jason Thomas Jason Thomas <jason@debian.org>, 309721@bugs.debian.org
Thu, 19 May 2005 17:43:33 +1000

tags 309721 patch

Heres a patch that seems to get rid of the errors. Not sure if it breaks
functionality but it works for me.

It does not handle trailing '\'. This would require some sort of state
and temporary buffer.

--- ConfigFile.pm.orig	2005-05-19 16:47:22.129242392 +1000
+++ ConfigFile.pm	2005-05-19 17:41:14.547840072 +1000
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@
         # Split up the key and the value. The @val regexp code dynamically
         # differentiates between "space strings" and array, values.
-        my($key, $r) = m!^\s*\s*(\w+)\s*(?=\s+)(.*)!;             # split up key
+        my($key, $r) = m!^\s*([^\s]*)(.*)!;             # split up key
         my(@val)     = $r =~ m!\s+(?:"([^"]*[^\\])"|([^\s,]+))\n?!g;   # split up val
         @val = grep { defined } @val;                             # lose undef values