Bug#231730: Bug#359943: libchart-perl: integer_ticks_only doesn't honor max_y_ticks

Niko Tyni ntyni at iki.fi
Sun Apr 23 18:59:07 UTC 2006

package libchart-perl
close 231730 2.4.1-3
found 359943 2.4.1-3
clone 359943 -1
retitle -1 libchart-perl: y_ticks not documented
severity -1 minor
forwarded -1 http://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=18891

On Thu, Apr 20, 2006 at 09:43:44PM +0200, Bill Allombert wrote:
> This one works fine! Thanks a lot for your perseverance. It seems
> this upstream release was half finished.  For example the manpage entry
> for y_ticks1 mention y_ticks which is not documented.

Glad to hear it works. I just forwarded it upstream too.

I have also reported the 'y_ticks' issue upstream as CPAN #18891. I'm
cloning a new Debian bug to track this. It looks to me lke the 'y_ticks1'
and 'y_ticks2' are leftovers from 1.0 that should be removed from the

> Now, I have a popcon-stat.pl script that build the popcon graph
> with the patched libchart-perl and is very close to the woody one.

Glad to hear this too. I'm therefore closing your original bug report
(#231730: libchart-perl: migration issues from woody), since there's
nothing left there that isn't fixed or tracked by another bug.

To summarize, we have tackled these issues:

- 'floating-point value for max_val option is broken' (#231730)
  * fixed in 2.4.1-1

- broken colors (#231730)
  * fixed in 2.4.1-3 

- 'integer_ticks_only doesn't honor max_y_ticks' (#359943)
  * patch forwarded upstream, CPAN #18502

- 'y_ticks not documented' (cloned by this mail)
  * reported upstream, CPAN #18891

Niko Tyni		ntyni at iki.fi

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