Bug#428415: dh-make-perl: dependency diagnostics misleading

gregor herrmann gregor+debian at comodo.priv.at
Mon Aug 6 15:14:27 UTC 2007

On Mon, 11 Jun 2007 17:17:16 +0200, Andreas J Koenig wrote:

Thanks for your bug report and sorry for the late reply.

> We would suggest that the error message from dependency checking be
> amended when called without the --requiredeps option. Instead of saying:
> 	Needs the following modules for which there are no debian
> 	packages available: Gearman::Client, Gearman::Server,
> 	Sys::Syslog, Sys::Syscall, Perlbal, Net::Netmask, Danga::Socket,
> 	Gearman::Client::Async
> it probably should rather say:
> 	Needs the following modules: Gearman::Client, Gearman::Server,
> 	Sys::Syslog, Sys::Syscall, Perlbal, Net::Netmask, Danga::Socket,
> 	Gearman::Client::Async; you probably want to check for the
> 	availablility of these modules using the --requiredeps option.

Hm, I don't think this is correct.
If I understand the source code of dh-make-perl correctly
* it searches for the modules in any case
* it issues the above warning if --requiredeps was not used
* it issues an error (= the same text) and dies if --requiredeps was

--requiredeps doesn't seem to do what your suggestion says, AFAICS.  
> Additionally we would suggest that the documentation of the
> --requiredeps option be extended. Instead of saying
> 	dependency tracking requires the apt-file package installed and
> 	updated
> it probably should say something like
> 	dependency tracking requires the apt-file package installed and
> 	the command 'apt-file update' must have been called not too long
> 	ago

Yup, that could be made more clear, thanks.

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