Your Funds Have Been Approved For Delivery.
Ms Catherine Jones
CatherineJones2020 at
Sat Jul 14 17:13:55 UTC 2007
I want to use this medium to inform you that your US$45 Million which was
bequeathed to you by a benefactor as a Next of Kin has been approved for
immediate release to you.
Due to the problems associated with transferring large sums of money from
one country to another on a bank to bank basis, we have decided to have
the funds delivered to you in cash with the aid of Diplomats who have the
capability to do so.
Please note that the said funds have been bonded and packaged in such a
way that no amount can be deducted from it and most importantly,the
Diplomats do not know that the content of the consignment that they will
be bringing to your country in the next 48 hours in cash.
It is therefore important you take note and do not make the mistake of
divulging such information to the Diplomats.
Your Complete Residential address and your direct telephone numbers are
needed immediately because the Diplomats will have to speak to you on
phone when they arrive your country before proceeding to your residential
Forward the requested information so that I can release the information
that you will use to identify yourself when the Diplomats arrive your city
of residence.
Catherine Jones
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