Bug#297765: Package should be named "libmime-tools-perl", not "libmime-perl"

Damyan Ivanov dmn at debian.org
Fri Nov 30 11:38:13 UTC 2007

-=| Julian Mehnle, Fri, Nov 30, 2007 at 01:34:38AM +0000 |=-
> Niko Tyni wrote:
> > I'm still not sure if it's worth it to rename, though.
> Gregor Herrmann wrote:
> > Considering the arguments with versioned dependencies I'm inclined to
> > propose to stick with the current name.
> Cost:  This would be a one-time action, and we can easily supply a dummy
> "libmime-perl" binary package that depends on the renamed binary package 
> for backwards compatibility.
> Benefit:  Less confusion for all users searching for the package providing 
> MIME-tools / MIME::Tools in the future.

I am for renaming (plus a transitional package).

If we want to get rid of the transitional package, here's how to get the
list of packages, depending on libmime-perl, by maintainer

$ apt-cache rdepends libmime-perl|grep '^ '|sed 's/[ |]//g'|sort|uniq|dd-list --stdin --nou

(36 packages; 4 of them - "ours; 28 distinct maintainers)

And here's the same for Build-Depending (replace ${mirror} with your

$ grep-dctrl -F Build-Depends,Build-Depends-Indep -r libmime-perl -s Source:Package /var/lib/apt/lists/${mirror}_debian_dists_sid_main_source_Sources|sed 's/Source: //'|dd-list --stdin --nou

(9 packages; 5 of them "ours"; 5 maintainers)

After bugging maintainers to change their (Build-)Depends, we can file an RM bug
for libmime-perl (then dummy) package on ftp.debian.org.

This would take months. I am wondering if we can use an exception from
the policy here :)

dam            JabberID: dam at jabber.minus273.org
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