Bug#442912: Ре: #442912 -- libmail-box-perl: autodetection of MH folders not working correctly

Damyan Ivanov dam at modsoftsys.com
Wed Sep 26 09:19:08 UTC 2007

tags 442912 fixed-upstream


This problem is claimed to be fixed in the new upstream release 2.075.

However, building now requires TAP::Harness, which is not in Debian, so
the upload may take a some time. Help is welcome :)


        - Replace Test::Harness by TAP::Harness to run tests, which
          is cleaner and faster.


        - recursively opening folders with manager involved, retriggers
          autodetect each time, sometimes coming up with an unexpected
          folder type. [Celejar]

        - Mail::Box::Locker::POSIX should not include POSIX.pm, but
          requires Errno.pm [cpan-testers, perl 5.10]

dam            JabberID: dam at jabber.minus273.org

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