Bug#473304: libhtml-wikiconverter-perl: does not start with --dialect=MediaWiki option

Rene Mayorga rmayorga at debian.org.sv
Fri Apr 18 21:38:38 UTC 2008

Hello Rowan,

Since 0.50 the upstream author decide to separated into different
packages the dialects used for
every wiki markup.
From upstram author:

>version: 0.50
> - separate each dialect into is own CPAN package for maintainability

I read at Debian changelog that a virtual package was added to recommnds:
> * Recommend virtual package libhtml-wikiconverter-dialect as they
>   are now packaged separately.

actually the the package is at Recommends field, but the package doesn't exists

I'm filling  some ITPs, at least for MediaWiki and TiKiWiki markups

Rene Mauricio Mayorga   |  jabber: rmayorga at jabber.org
http://rmayorga.org     |  
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