libmail-imapclient-perl 3.xx breaks imapsync

Gilles LAMIRAL gilles.lamiral at
Tue Jan 8 14:49:55 UTC 2008

Hello Damyan,

> A package is migrated to testing when it sits in unstable for some
> period of time without release-critical bugs. It happens this was true
> for libmail-imapclient-perl and it is still true -- there are no
> release-critical bugs filed for it. You can change this :)

I've just tried but I couldn't :

You are reporting a critical bug; which of the following criteria does it meet?

1 breaks unrelated software  breaks unrelated software on the system (packages
                             that have a dependency relationship are not
2 breaks the whole system    renders the entire system unusable (e.g.,
                             unbootable, unable to reach a multiuser runlevel,
3 causes serious data loss   causes loss of important, irreplaceable data
4 root security hole         introduces a security hole allowing access to root
                             (or another privileged system account), or data
                             normally accessible only by such accounts
5 unknown                    not sure, or none of the above

Please select the impact of the bug: [unknown] 5
Severity downgraded to "normal".

So I choosed "important".

Au revoir,                                02 99 64 31 77
                                          06 20 79 76 06
Gilles Lamiral. France, Chavagne (35310)  09 52 27 33 66

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