Bug#460411: MIME::Entity wrong about *digest* boundaries
jidanni at jidanni.org
jidanni at jidanni.org
Sun Jan 13 11:18:03 UTC 2008
>>>>> "DFS" == David F Skoll <dfs at roaringpenguin.com> writes:
DFS> jidanni at jidanni.org wrote:
>> I visited http://www.mimedefang.org/ but could not find a Submit Bug
>> button. Never mind.
DFS> The proper place to submit bug reports for CPAN modules is
DFS> http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Name=mime-tools
OK, wish what we see in the debian package would mention that. Or
maybe it did.
>> MIME::Entity has got it wrong about *digest* boundaries.
DFS> Yes, probably. We'll look into it. If you wouldn't mind opening a
DFS> ticket on rt.cpan.org, I would appreciate it.
Uh oh,
is too complex. Two different accounts or whatever.
I'll try mime-tools in bug-<distribution-name>@rt.cpan.org:
bug-mime-tools at rt.cpan.org ... the submit via email option. Maybe that
will work. If it does, then "the bug is at
http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=460411 ".
DFS> A workaround that I'd recommend is to make each sub-part of the digest
DFS> a message/rfc822 entity and include everything (headers and all) in the
DFS> body part. MIME-tools always wants to add at least a Content-Type:
DFS> header to every subpart and fixing that is unlikely to happen.
But my spam digest has no bodies... Actually I was using a RFC1153
digest with no such bloat until I ran into some MUAs that wanted a
MIME digest... OK, thanks. See ya.
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