Bug#467879: setting package to libmath-randomorg-perl, tagging 467879

gregor herrmann gregor+debian at comodo.priv.at
Sat Mar 8 22:51:36 UTC 2008

# Automatically generated email from bts, devscripts version
# libmath-randomorg-perl (0.04-3) unstable; urgency=low
#  * debian/rules:
#    - delete /usr/lib/perl5 only if it exists (closes: #467879)
#    - update based on dh-make-perl's templates
#    - install example script
#    - don't install README anymore (no additional information)
#    - enable pod* tests (other tests need network access), build
#      dependencies added accordingly

package libmath-randomorg-perl
tags 467879 + pending

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