Bug#479076: libdbd-sqlite3-perl: FTBFS: libdbd-sqlite3-perl: Failed 1/29 test scripts. 1/463 subtests failed.

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Fri May 2 17:31:37 UTC 2008

On Fri, 02 May 2008 19:56:18 +0300, Damyan Ivanov wrote:

> > We just switched to perl 5.10, so that might be related.
> Loooks like it, my not-upgraded chroot (with perl5.8) builds the package OK.

Interesting, it doesn't for me -- when I build in my sid cowbuilder
chroot (i386, updated yesterday or the day before, i.e. perl 5.8.8) I
get exactly the same errors as Kurt.

Also if I build in a freshly updated lenny cowbuilder chroot.
> And so, the Perl5.10 Transition begins... :)

My _guess_ is more that the problem is related to libsqlite3-dev, sid
and lenny have 3.5.8-{1,2} since a few days.

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