Bug#476242: Bug in libpdf-api2-perl fixed in revision 19376

pkg-perl-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org pkg-perl-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org
Sun May 4 16:48:34 UTC 2008

tag 476242 + pending

Some bugs are closed in revision 19376
by Damyan Ivanov (dmn)

Commit message:

* fonts directory vs. symlink
  + add debian/postinst that converts fonts/ dir to a symlink to the fonts
    provided by ttf-dejavu
  + also add debian/prerm reverting the symlink to a directory when
    downgrading to a version prior to 0.66-1
  Closes: #476242 -- Upgrades from Etch make fonts disappear
  + medium urgency for serious bug fix

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