Bug#481227: signing-party: Name 'GnuPG::Options::*" used only once: possible typo at /usr/lib/perl5/Class/MethodMaker/Engine.pm line 781

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Sat May 24 22:17:42 UTC 2008

On Wed, 14 May 2008 22:13:24 +0200, gregor herrmann wrote:

> The bug report at CPAN points out the leading space after the opening
> quote, and indeed there's an interesting comment in the source code:
> lib/Class/MethodMaker/Engine.pm:
> 779  # Generate a unique stash name for the sub.  Use a preceding space
> 780  # to avoid collisions with anything in the Perl space.
> 781  Class::MethodMaker::set_sub_name($code, $target, $name, " ${target}::${name}");
> Removing the leading space shuts up the warnings when running the
> tests during build; I'm just not sure about any possible side effects
> ...

Another possibility is to turn off this specific type of warnings
locally in the if() condition. I've committed the following patch to
our svn repo:


Author: gregor herrmann <gregoa at debian.org>
Bugs: #481227, CPAN#35840
Description: locally turn off warning 'Name " Foo::Bar" used only once'

--- libclass-methodmaker-perl.orig/lib/Class/MethodMaker/Engine.pm
+++ libclass-methodmaker-perl/lib/Class/MethodMaker/Engine.pm
@@ -778,6 +778,8 @@
         *{$methname} = $code;
         # Generate a unique stash name for the sub.  Use a preceding space
         # to avoid collisions with anything in the Perl space.
+        # Turn off warnings about 'Name " Foo::Bar" used only once'.
+        no warnings "once";
         Class::MethodMaker::set_sub_name($code, $target, $name, " ${target}::${name}");
     } else {


Any comments?


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   `-    NP: Beatles
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