Bug#506708: dh-make-perl: --notest has no effect in dh 7 mode

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Sun Nov 23 22:35:46 UTC 2008

On Mon, 24 Nov 2008 09:09:00 +1100, Kevin Ryde wrote:

> In the default debhelper 7 mode the --notest option still runs "make
> test".  Eg.
> where I hoped it would not run dh_auto_test, or would defang it, or
> whatever.

Good catch, --notest isn't even evaluated with dh7 ...

> If dh7 has a standard way not to run tests too then that could helpfully
> be cross referenced in the dh-make-perl docs under --notest (in addition
> to that option doing what it says).  All I saw was the dh_auto_test man
> page saying that if it doesn't work then don't use it!

For dh7 we just copy a template debian/rules file (whereas for dh < 7
there is some meddling going on) because the necessary dh_* commands
are called by `dh' (and so we have a nice short debian/rules file).

For your case: Replace

        dh build
        touch $@


        dh build --before dh_auto_test
        dh build --after dh_auto_test
        touch $@

(from the top of my head, please check man 1 dh)

But I agree that this has to be fixed in dh-make-perl one way or
another ...

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