Bug#506915: FTBFS: libpoe-component-client-dns-perl

Rene Mayorga rmayorga at debian.org.sv
Sat Nov 29 00:49:15 UTC 2008

On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 06:53:09AM +0200, Damyan Ivanov wrote:
> The changes in sid are:
>   * bump version number
>   * cange poe.perl.org IP address in tests
>   * apply Tinco's patch for skipping tests when no network is 
>     available
> So the only change not available in testing is the change of the IP 
> address of poe.perl.org.

Yes, it should be no problem trying to get a release exception then

> However, I think that the idea is broken -- poe.perl.org may change 
> its address again

I fully agree with this, having a hard-code IP address and test that
depends on that is not nice 

> Net::DNS would be better.
> Providing a patch left as an exercise for the reader :)

good :), /me committing a simple patch 

Rene Mauricio Mayorga   |  jabber: rmayorga at jabber.org
http://rmayorga.org     |  
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