Bug#525303: ITP: libarray-diff-perl -- Perl module to find the differences between two arrays

Peter Pentchev roam at ringlet.net
Thu Apr 23 14:57:48 UTC 2009

Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Peter Pentchev <roam at ringlet.net>

* Package name    : libarray-diff-perl
  Version         : 0.05
  Upstream Author : Daisuke Murase <typester at cpan.org>
* URL             : http://search.cpan.org/dist/Array-Diff/
* License         : Perl
  Programming Lang: Perl
  Description     : Perl module to find the differences between two arrays

The Array::Diff module compares two arrays and determines which elements
have been removed or added.

I intend to maintain this module within the Debian Perl Group.
It is needed as a dependency for Module::CPANTS::Analyse (ITP #525300).

Peter Pentchev	roam at ringlet.net    roam at space.bg    roam at FreeBSD.org
PGP key:	http://people.FreeBSD.org/~roam/roam.key.asc
Key fingerprint	FDBA FD79 C26F 3C51 C95E  DF9E ED18 B68D 1619 4553
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