Bug#542488: libmodule-build-perl: new upstream release, version numbering

Niko Tyni ntyni at debian.org
Wed Aug 19 21:23:52 UTC 2009

Package: libmodule-build-perl
Version: 0.3300-1  
Severity: wishlist

CPAN and Perl 5.10.1-RC2 have Module::Build 0.340201, so this package
will be uninstallable when 5.10.1 enters sid if it's not upgraded.

It looks like the version string is going to need two more digits,
unless we cheat slightly and treat 0.340201 as 0.3402 in the perl-modules
conflict list.

For the experimental perl/5.10.1~rc2-1, I'll be using 
 Conflicts: libmodule-build-perl (<< 0.340201)
so please protest or update the version mangling :)

For reference, here are the recent upstream changelog entries:

0.340201 - Sun Aug  9 22:11:04 EDT 2009

 - Version bump for Perl core for 5.10.1 release; no other changes

0.34_02 - Sun Jul 26 22:50:40 EDT 2009

 - Bundled Module::Build::Version updated to bring into sync with CPAN
   version.pm 0.77

0.34_01 - Sat Jul 18 16:32:09 EDT 2009

 - Added --debug flag to trace Build action execution (RT#47933)
   [David Golden]

 - Bundled Module::Build::Version version code updated to fix unsafe use 
   of $@ (RT#47980) [John Peacock]

0.34 - Tue Jul  7 16:56:47 EDT 2009

 No changes from 0.33_06

Niko Tyni   ntyni at debian.org

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