Bug#542353: [Patch] Re: Clive error: nothing to extract

Damyan Ivanov dmn at debian.org
Fri Aug 21 08:41:44 UTC 2009

-=| Thomas Kremer, Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 08:40:56PM +0200 |=-
> I've had the same problem and solved it. Apparently youtube changed 
> its javascript code again.
> The patch is attached, it applies to the debian source-package in lenny
> (ver. 0.4.18-1).

Thomas, can you try the package in unstable? It is a complete rewrite 
and chances are it also supports the latest youtube. Failing this, can 
you give an example URL that is failing so that I can test with the 
latest clive?

Thanks in advance.

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