Bug#560643: libbsd-resource-perl: FTBFS: tests failed

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Tue Dec 29 11:34:33 UTC 2009

On Tue, 29 Dec 2009 13:06:10 +0200, Damyan Ivanov wrote:

> > NOTE 1: The test t/getrusage.t is known to be tricky and to fail once
> > in a while. This is because the results depend on timing issues and
> > the activity of the operating system, it is moderately icky to
> > guestimate such tolerances that leave some slack while still proving
> > anything. Please retry 'make test' for a couple times, "eventually"
> > the test should pass. If even that fails, please see that the $debug
> > in the script is 1 and then run the test separately:
> We could loop tests several times until either a) they pass; or b) 
> N loops were done and then try one final loop with debugging on. At 
> least this can help upstream help us :)

Next detail:
$ nl t/getrusage.t | grep debug | head -n 1
     9  my $debug = 1;


When run in my normal environment I indeed get debug output:

$ perl Makefile.PL
$ make
$ prove --blib --verbose t/getrusage.t
t/getrusage.t .. 
# getrusage
# ru = 2.258656 0.095985 4880 0 0 0 855 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 832
# times
# tsu = 2.26, tss = 0.09
# sleep(6)
# real = 9
# ruu = 2.258656, tsu = 2.26
# rus = 0.095985, tss = 0.09
# ruc = 2.354641, tsc = 2.35
# real = 9
# far: a = 2.258656, b = 2.26, r = 0.2
# far: abs(a/b-1) = 0.000594690265486753
# far: a = 0.095985, b = 0.09, r = 0.4
# far: abs(a/b-1) = 0.0665
ok 1
# @ru = (4.605299 0.173973 4880 0 0 0 910 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1749)
# far: a = 4.605299, b = 4.605299, r = 0.2
# far: abs(a/b-1) = 0
# far: a = 0.173973, b = 0.173973, r = 0.4
# far: abs(a/b-1) = 0
ok 2
All tests successful.
Files=1, Tests=2, 12 wallclock secs ( 0.13 usr  0.02 sys +  4.61 cusr  0.17 csys =  4.93 CPU)
Result: PASS

Oh, but only with "--verbose", otherwise:

$ prove --blib t/getrusage.t
t/getrusage.t .. ok   
All tests successful.
Files=1, Tests=2, 12 wallclock secs ( 0.09 usr  0.01 sys +  4.99 cusr  0.18 csys =  5.27 CPU)
Result: PASS

Hm, we could also skip this test since it seems rather arbitrary ...
But I won't stop anyone from implementing the looping idea :)

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