Bug#514737: libpdf-reuse-perl: wrong declaration of PDF::Reuse::findFont
Andreas Faust
andreas.faust at dgx.de
Thu Feb 12 11:12:17 UTC 2009
On Thursday 12 February 2009 11:53:35 Niko Tyni wrote:
First of all:
it's a bug, it's wrong to perl documentation about prototyping.
It's absolutely right that my perl instane complains about it :)
to be very detailed:
we use a kind of "mod_perl - light", which is self-coded and not limited to
Apache. It's familiar with mod_perl's Apache::Registry, but slightly faster
and alot slimmer.
During runtime, we get that error. Just to provide You the code that raises
the error will probably not help You much, because You don't have the same
environment - and believe me - i wont provide You that :)
so, please just fix it by removing the braces.
i've done that already for us. so i am only "upstreaming" :)
> severity 514737 normal
> retitle 514737 libpdf-reuse-perl: wrong declaration of
> PDF::Reuse::findFont, breaks with ModPerl? thanks
> On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 10:17:59AM +0100, Andreas Faust wrote:
> (Please keep 514737 at bugs.debian.org Cc'd)
> The severity is inflated in that case. Downgrading.
> I still have trouble reproducing this. Running this under
> Mod_Perl::Registry works for me:
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> use strict;
> use PDF::Reuse;
> our $n++;
> prFile("/tmp/test.pdf");
> prFont(q/Times-Roman/);
> prText(100, 500, qq/Hello World\n/);
> prEnd();
> print "Done for the ${n}th time at @{[scalar localtime]}\n";
> __END__
> Please provide more detail.
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