Bug#478781: dh-make-perl: suggest look for deps with dpkg -S too

Damyan Ivanov dmn at debian.org
Sat Feb 28 06:22:14 UTC 2009

tags 478781 -wontfix

-=| Kevin Ryde, Tue, Dec 02, 2008 at 11:28:57AM +1100 |=-
> Damyan Ivanov <dmn at debian.org> writes:
> >
> > If you want apt-file to work with your local repositories, make them 
> > contain Contents files. For example reprepro(1) has Contents 
> > configuration option for this purpose.
> That sounds like hard work when dpkg has the info (and means you don't
> have to keep installed debs around or download the big contents file).
> :-)
> Is there a tool to turn the currently installed package files into a
> contents index which apt-file would recognise ... or whatever direct
> access dh-make-perl is doing now?  Could it be as easy as catting
> together the /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.list files the way dlocate does?

dlocate uses a database, this is why it is much faster than grepping 
over all .list files (which may be many thousands).

I have changed my mind on this. using dh-make-perl to create 
locally-used packages that depend on other locally-installed packages 
is a valid usage pattern.

Creating artificial Contents files as suggested in another mail may 
work (the fiile name shall match some line in sources.list), but 
I guess it takes quite a bit of time and one has to remember to do it 
after installinng a locally-created package; and it is still 
a workaround.

How does the following look?

 * search through Contents (if apt-file is installed) warn if no 
   Contents files are found (done now)
 * if there are still dependencies whose packages are not found, run 
   dlocate if available (and warn if not available) -- possibly when 
   an option is given (off by default)?
 * if there are still unfound dependencies, walk over all 
   /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.list files (if an option is given, off by 
   default) -- or even just call dpkg -S?

Controlling more aggressive searches via options gives everyone what 
is needed. With the introduction of ~/.dh-make-perl/dh-make-perl.conf 
there won't be need to specify the desired options on each invocation 
so one is able to change the defaults to their liking.

dam            JabberID: dam at jabber.minus273.org
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