
Siegfried Gipp siegfried at
Wed Jul 1 09:20:51 UTC 2009


i just stumbled over this lib. It seems to be useful. But i made some 
minor changes:

1. Changed acronym to abbr. As far as i know acronym is now deprechated, 
because the difference to abbr is too subtle to be understood by most. 
No change in the textile syntax here. It's just that the result is now 
abbr where it was acronym before.

2. Added some "entities", as defined in the textile reference: The 
ellipsis (three dots) and the em-dash ("--"). I'm not sure about the 
en-dash, so i skipped that.

3. For convenience, added some more "entities", namely arrows left and 
right. So "=>" becomes "&rArr;", "<=" becomes "&lArr;", "<=>" becomes 
"&hArr;", "->" becomes "&rarr;", "<-" becomes "&larr;" and "<->" becomes 
"&harr;" (all in the numerical representation). These are not textile 
standard, but might be useful.

4. Changed the lang attribute to xml:lang for xhtml flavor.

I hope i've done it right. It's long ago since i last did anything with 
perl (nearly 10 years). I've marked the changes with a comment line of 
type "# SG: ...", so you may find them easily. I'm still experimenting 
with the lib.

Siegfried Gipp
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