Bug#520520: clive: usability regression in switch to perl rewrite

Gerfried Fuchs rhonda at deb.at
Mon Jun 22 10:09:00 UTC 2009

reopen 520520
retitle 520520 please add --play switch

* Toni Gundogdu <legatvs at gmail.com> [2009-03-20 18:43:01 CET]:
> On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 5:40 PM, Gerfried Fuchs <rhonda at debian.at> wrote:
> >  -) Where I formerly used --play=src (or even had the posibility to put
> > that into the config file) I now have to use --exec with the complete
> > calling syntax, quite inconvenient. :/
> This was added in 2.1.7, e.g.:
> ...
> [commands]
>   exec = mplayer -really-quiet %i;
> ...

 Erm, I just now found out that you seem to have misunderstood me.
--exec and --play are two different things. With --exec you define
_what_ to execute. With --play you turned the execution on.

 Now I can only define something to execute in the config file which is
done *always*. I don't seem to see any switch or posibility to define a
default execute option that only hooks in when I use --play.

 The usecase is like, sometimes I only want to download youtube videos
without playing them directly - but sometimes I do. Currently I have two

 Define the exec line in the config and have it executed all the time,
unless I explicitly do "--exec 'true;'" or something like that. Or not
have it in the config file and always do "--exec 'gmplayer %i;'" when I
want it played.

 I am really looking for a mode to define the default exec and switch it
on only when I really want it to be executed, not have that option be
only in a single switch. This at least is what I was able to do before
and what I consider pretty helpful.

 Hope I'm more clear this time. :)

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