krb5 transation: krb5 1.7

Sam Hartman hartmans at
Tue May 5 12:31:40 UTC 2009

>>>>> "Adeodato" == Adeodato Simó <dato at> writes:
    Adeodato> Aah, there's always a fine print. :-)

    Adeodato> In that case, would you mind holding off your krb5
    Adeodato> upload by, say, a week, as to give a bit of time for
    Adeodato> most Bin-NMUs to build against 1.6?  I'm happy for this

I'm sorry.I ran the dput for the krb5 upload this morning before
checking mail and it had already hit accepted by the time I got to my
Debian mail queue.

I don't think I can pull it from accepted.

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