[rt.cpan.org #45835] Bug#527536: RFP: libmediawiki-api-perl -- replacement for libmediawiki-perl
jidanni at jidanni.org
jidanni at jidanni.org
Wed May 13 20:13:56 UTC 2009
"Jools Smyth via RT" <bug-MediaWiki-API at rt.cpan.org> writes:
> <URL: https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=45835 >
[jidanni requests that someone package libmediawiki-api-perl for debian]
> Does this require any action on my behalf ?
No problem, I'll just send a message to
$ grep-aptavail -Pe mediawiki\|wikipedia -s maintainer -n|perl -nwle '$h{$_}++ for /<(.*)>/;END{print join ", ", keys %h}'
and one of those cheery Debian Developers will be quick to package it...
hopefully :-)
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