Bug#529736: libdbd-sqlite3-perl: FTBFS due to locking failure in the sqlite3 code

Marc Dequènes (Duck) duck at duckcorp.org
Thu May 21 08:39:26 UTC 2009

Package: libdbd-sqlite3-perl
Version: 1.25-1
Severity: important


Unfortunately, sqlite3 does not select the right file locking  
mechanism for the Hurd, and every db opération fails miserably. I  
already filled a bug on sqlite3 (see #529734), but libdbd-sqlite3-perl  
ships embedded sqlite3.{c,h} files, which then must be fixed too.  
Waiting for the sqlite3 patch to be applied in Debian, then pushed  
upstream, updated by libdbd-sqlite3-perl's upstream, and then finaly  
uploaded in Debian, seems to be a long path which would take years, so  
i decided to work on both fronts.

I've attached the small patch i made with the minor modification to  
your debian/rules to use a patching system at run-time. Could you  
please introduce it in your next upload (and help push it upstream  
too) ?


Marc Dequènes (Duck)
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