Bug#556789: perl: missing provides/replaces/conflicts for libfile-spec-perl

Niko Tyni ntyni at debian.org
Tue Nov 17 20:22:49 UTC 2009

Package: perl
Version: 5.10.1-7

Not sure why I haven't noticed this earlier, but I see we have the
dual-lived PathTools in the archive as libfile-spec-perl.  It's at 3.31
while perl 5.10.1 has 3.30.

The changes from 3.30 don't look very important for Debian, so a valid
option would be to drop the separate package altogether from squeeze.
In any case, perl should have the usual conflicts+replaces+provides list.

I see libfile-spec-perl also provides libpathtools-perl, so I suppose
perl should do so too.

 3.31 - Sun Nov  1 15:15:00 2009
 - Do not pack a Build.PL to avoid a circular dependency involving
   ExtUtils::CBuilder (PathTools RT #50749)
 3.30_02 - Tue Sep 29 08:17:00 2009
 - Remove more special logic required for core perl.
 3.30_01 - Mon Sep 21 14:39:00 2009
 - Merge changes from core perl.
   (Mostly changes regarding the lib->ext migration)
 3.30 - Sun May 10 10:55:00 2009
 - Promote to stable release.
Niko Tyni   ntyni at debian.org 

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