Bug#576570: libpod-xhtml-perl: FTBFS: t/Pod_Hyperlink_BounceURL.t fails

Niko Tyni ntyni at debian.org
Mon Apr 5 18:07:03 UTC 2010

Package: libpod-xhtml-perl
Version: 1.59-2
Severity: serious

This package fails to build on current sid, most probably with
liburi-perl >= 1.53:

Test Summary Report
t/Pod_Hyperlink_BounceURL.t (Wstat: 0 Tests: 4 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  4
Files=5, Tests=46,  1 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr  0.01 sys +  0.27 cusr  0.03 csys =  0.34 CPU)
Result: FAIL

Digging into it a bit:

# perl -Iblib/lib -Iblib/arch t/Pod_Hyperlink_BounceURL.t -T|diff -u t/d.xhtml -

shows the relevant bits are

-<a class="pod_xhtml_bounce_url" href="/apps/trampoline.rb?p=crontab(5)&amp;n=&amp;s=1">crontab</a>(5) X</p>
+<a class="pod_xhtml_bounce_url" href="/apps/trampoline.rb?p=crontab%285%29&amp;n=&amp;s=1">crontab</a>(5) X</p>
-<a class="pod_xhtml_bounce_url" href="/apps/trampoline.rb?p=crontab(5)&amp;n=&amp;s=1">User Crontab</a> X</p>
+<a class="pod_xhtml_bounce_url" href="/apps/trampoline.rb?p=crontab%285%29&amp;n=&amp;s=1">User Crontab</a> X</p>
+not ok 4 at line 28 in t/Pod_Hyperlink_BounceURL.t (Generated XHTML matched expected XHTML)

and as lib/Pod/Hyperlink/BounceURL.pm uses URI::Escape, the likely culprit is
this liburi-perl upstream change (URI-1.53):

 Update URI::Escape for RFC 3986
Niko Tyni   ntyni at debian.org

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