Comments regarding libgtk2-sourceview2-perl_0.07-1_i386.changes

Alexander Reichle-Schmehl ftpmaster at
Fri Apr 23 12:47:10 UTC 2010

Hi maintainer!

I'm going to accept your package, but please get in touch and get the license
statements updated.  While all are DFSG free, they have some discrepancies
about the versions of the licenses.

On the one hand you say in debian/copyright GPLv1+ or Artistic.  On the other
hand however, the README file states LGPLv2.1+ or Artistic 2.0, while on the
third hand many source files (e.g. xs/*) state LPGLv2.1+, and finally
library/ states "the same as perl itself" (which would GPLv1 or

Please clear this up.  While the intention to release everything free is there,
it's quite confusing ;)

Best regards,
  Alexander, ftp-assistant

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