Bug#544894: libtk-filedialog-perl: Unusable in Lenny

Ansgar Burchardt ansgar at 43-1.org
Thu Aug 5 04:26:35 UTC 2010

clone 544894 -1
reassign -1 release.debian.org
retitle  -1 pu: libtk-filedialog-perl/1.3-2+lenny1
severity -1 normal
reopen   -1
tags     -1 =
notforwarded -1
user     release.debian.org at packages.debian.org
usertag  -1 + pu


libtk-filedialog-perl is unusable in Lenny [1]: even the example dies in
the constructor.  There is a simple one-line patch from CPAN [2] that
has already been applied in unstable for some while.

I prepared an update for Lenny as well (see attached patch).  Is the
release team okay with uploading this to stable?


[1] <http://bugs.debian.org/544894>
[2] <http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=12726>
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