Bug#558272: Date::Calc::Decode_Month(): argument is not a string

Vincent Lefevre vincent at vinc17.net
Wed Aug 11 07:39:43 UTC 2010

On 2010-08-11 15:55:21 +0900, Ansgar Burchardt wrote:
> This is not fixed in the latest upstream release.  I installed
> Date::Calc 6.3 and Date::Calc::XS 6.2 from CPAN and the problem is still
> present.

Well, Date::Calc 6.3 solves the problem on my machine:

$ echo Oct | perl -p -e 'use Date::Calc qw(Decode_Month); s!(\w+)!Decode_Month($1)!e'
$ echo Oct | env -u PERL5LIB perl -p -e 'use Date::Calc qw(Decode_Month); s!(\w+)!Decode_Month($1)!e'
Date::Calc::Decode_Month(): argument is not a string at -e line 1, <> line 1.

See the difference when I use the CPAN version (6.3) installed in
my $HOME and when I use Debian's version.

FYI, here are the files that were installed:

Installing /home/vlefevre/lib/site_perl/Date/Calc.pod
Installing /home/vlefevre/lib/site_perl/Date/Calc.pm
Installing /home/vlefevre/lib/site_perl/Date/Calendar.pm
Installing /home/vlefevre/lib/site_perl/Date/Calendar.pod
Installing /home/vlefevre/lib/site_perl/Date/Calendar/Year.pm
Installing /home/vlefevre/lib/site_perl/Date/Calendar/Profiles.pm
Installing /home/vlefevre/lib/site_perl/Date/Calendar/Year.pod
Installing /home/vlefevre/lib/site_perl/Date/Calendar/Profiles.pod
Installing /home/vlefevre/lib/site_perl/Date/Calc/Object.pod
Installing /home/vlefevre/lib/site_perl/Date/Calc/Object.pm
Installing /home/vlefevre/lib/site_perl/Date/Calc/PP.pod
Installing /home/vlefevre/lib/site_perl/Date/Calc/PP.pm
Installing /home/vlefevre/share/man/man3/Date::Calendar::Profiles.3pm
Installing /home/vlefevre/share/man/man3/Date::Calc.3pm
Installing /home/vlefevre/share/man/man3/Date::Calc::PP.3pm
Installing /home/vlefevre/share/man/man3/Date::Calc::Object.3pm
Installing /home/vlefevre/share/man/man3/Date::Calendar::Year.3pm
Installing /home/vlefevre/share/man/man3/Date::Calendar.3pm

> It is, however, limited to the XS implementation and can easily be
> worked around: just use "$1" (with quotes) instead of $1.

I confirm, thanks.

Vincent Lefèvre <vincent at vinc17.net> - Web: <http://www.vinc17.net/>
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Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / Arénaire project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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