Bug#592871: libapache-dbi-perl_1.07-1+lenny1 does not actually apply the patch it contains
Peter Mogensen
apm at one.com
Fri Aug 13 14:45:33 UTC 2010
Package: libapache-dbi-perl
Version: 1.07-1+lenny1
I was wondering why my /usr/share/perl5/Apache/DBI.pm did not contain
the "eval {$r = Apache2::RequestUtil->request;};" fix which the
changelog stated it was released to include, even though it clearly was
version 1.07-1+lenny1 I had installed.
After downloading the source package and building it my self I conclude
that the patch is simply not applied during the build process.
ii quilt 0.46-6
ii perl 5.10.0-19lenny2
ii dpkg-dev 1.14.29
But as I said... the offical package doesn't result in a patched
/usr/share/perl5/Apache/DBI.pm either.
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