Bug#588118: libmoose-perl [ia64]: test failures
Niko Tyni
ntyni at debian.org
Fri Aug 20 19:35:22 UTC 2010
tag 588118 - help
clone 588118 -1
reassign -1 perl 5.10.1-14
retitle -1 perl: numeric overloading problem on ia64
severity -1 important
tag 588118 + patch
On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 05:01:05PM +0900, Ansgar Burchardt wrote:
> I am also curious if this only affects 1.06 or if also older version
> (that is 1.05-1 from testing) also FTBFS. Could some DD try to build
> the older version on a IA64 porter machine? (If you are lucky the
> Build-Deps are still installed somewhere.)
1.05-1 passes all tests on merulo.d.o but 1.06-1 and 1.09-1 don't
so it's not a regression in the build dependencies.
It boils down to the attached test, which apparently fails on ia64
but passes everywhere else. I assume this is a bug in perl but I'm not
quite sure yet. Cloning and reassigning against perl, will investigate
more later.
I'm attaching a simple workaround that makes the 1.09-1 test suite pass
for me.
Niko Tyni ntyni at debian.org
-------------- next part --------------
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Test::Simple tests => 1;
package Foo;
use Scalar::Util q/refaddr/;
use overload '0+' => sub { refaddr(shift) },
fallback => 1;
package main;
my $f1 = bless {}, 'Foo';
my $f2 = bless {}, 'Foo';
my $res1 = ($f1 == $f2);
my $res2 = (0+$f1 == 0+$f2);
ok($res1 eq $res2, "numification works as expected");
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